Bed Sculpture- Proportions!

So the next sculpture I started working on was the silver birch bedframe, which was one of the more labour-intensive assets. I had my sketches, but realised that I needed the proportions to be correct, so I made a template in Photoshop so that I could line my sculpture up on every axis.

IMG_20171030_230914 bed proportions

I created the sculpture, which went well, but I realised that when I created the ‘Y’ shaped trunks by combining them, which meant that the meshes interlinked and caused issues. I had the same problem with the stump, and I fixed this by deleting interlinking meshes, and adding faces between the 2 halves, which was very time consuming. This time, I fixed it by applying union instead of combine, which didn’t work at first, but after some research on techniques, and history deletion, I made this work smoothly. My mistakes took extra time, but I have now learned how to create correctly in the first place, which will make my process much quicker in the process.


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